Join or Donate
All memberships and donations to the University of Tennessee Arboretum Society (EIN 62-6063392), a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. UTAS is an all volunteer organization.
Paper Membership form
Memberships and Donations online
Amazon wishlist (In-kind donation)
Bench plaque form
The Endowment Fund seeks to ensure that the Arboretum will be a valuable educational resource for Oak Ridge, the surrounding community, and the State of Tennessee for many years to come. Earnings from the Endowment help fund an Education Programs Coordinator who leads community-focused activities at the Arboretum. Monies may also be used to maintain and expand the Arboretum’s unique plant collections. As the Endowment grows through generous contributions from corporate and individual donors and annual contributions from the UT Arboretum Society, we hope to increase our support for Arboretum programs and facilities to ensure its long-term (think trees) success.
Checks may be made out to the UT Foundation, Inc. with a memo “for the UT Arboretum Endowment” and sent to:
University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture
107 Morgan Hall, 2621 Morgan Circle
Knoxville, TN 37996
Access to the members only page
Includes access to an ever-growing library of the virtual programs
Learn about our rich East Tennessee ecosystem
Help build the Arboretum collections by identifying potential new additions of native trees, shrubs, and flowers
Attend lectures and workshops led by recognized experts.
Experience some of the best hiking trails west of the Smokies—without the crowds! Almost right in your own backyard
Explore the Arboretum Library of plant resources
Receive discount on auditorium rental
Expand your own plant-oriented horizons
Participate in the members-only Spring Plant Sale—before the sale is open to the public.
Take part in UTAS sponsored tours to exceptional private and public gardens
Support the Arboretum research and education goals
Associate with like-minded gardeners and enjoy the outdoors as you assist in caring for the UT Arboretum special plant collections
Work on fundraising projects such as the plant sales and special events
Donate expertise, individual plants, or financial assistance to the Arboretum—a unique resource for studying the natural wonders of Tennessee
We always need help in many ways. Opportunities include:
•SPRING AND/OR FALL PLANT SALE: Help customers who are shopping for and loading up plants.
•MANAGE THE UTAS WEBSITE: A website-savvy job that needs a dedicated computer expert.
•MANAGE THE UTAS FACEBOOK PAGE: Work to keep our Facebook page up-to-date with information about events and pictures.
•SERVE ON THE UTAS BOARD: Be willing to attend a monthly meeting and work on projects.
•KEEP THE MEMBERSHIP DATABASE UP TO DATE: Maintain our database of members and keep our volunteer lists current.
•NATIVE PLANT GROUP WORK DAYS: Come “dig in the dirt” around the Visitors Center two Wednesday mornings each month spring through fall.
•POLLINATOR GARDEN & RAIN GARDEN: Plant, prune, weed and maintain these native plant gardens.
•HOLLY COLLECTION WORK DAYS: Help out every 2nd Wednesday of the month 9-11AM with weeding, pruning, and mulching our world-famous collection.
•TRAILS MAINTENANCE WORK DAYS: Help out twice a year (spring and fall) placing water bars and other improvements on our 7+ miles of trails.
•CHRISTMAS FLOAT AND PARADE: Help decorate our annual float and/or walk alongside it to hand out candy in the December Oak Ridge parade.
•BUTTERFLY FESTIVAL: There are many ways to help with this annual event, but our most urgent need is for volunteers to supervise a craft activity for children.
•LECTURES: When we are again able to have in-person events, help with welcoming attendees and directing the parking of cars.
•HIKES: Help with a monthly Third Saturday hike, either as a leader or a sweep.
•eBRANCHES: Help our current editor by writing up short paragraphs about events and/or supplying pictures.
•MAILINGS: Help place seals and labels on mailings.
•LEAD A WORKSHOP: If you have a skill to share, let us know! We will charge a price that will cover your materials.
•MONITOR BLUEBIRD BOXES: Become a Bluebird Buddy and help monitor nesting boxes along our trail.
•EVENT PARKING: If you are comfortable helping with parking at major events, like our Butterfly Festival, let us know.
•OTHER: Specify what you have in mind!
For volunteering or to learn more about how you can help, contact us
Making a planned gift is a wonderful way to show your support and appreciation for the UT Arboretum and its mission while accommodating your own personal, financial, estate-planning, and philanthropic goals. With smart planning, you may actually increase the size of your estate and/or reduce the tax burden on your heirs. Just as important, you will know that you have made a meaningful contribution that benefits the UT Arboretum and all of its programming. For more information visit University of Tennessee Planned Giving , or call or email Tom Looney at 865-974-8622 or [email protected].